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Quick Start

Pull the latest SecretScanner image, and use it to scan a node:latest container.

Pull the latest SecretScanner image

docker pull

Generate License Key

Run this command to generate a license key. Work/official email id has to be used.


Scan a Container Image

Pull an image to your local repository, then scan it

docker pull node:latest

docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner \
-e DEEPFENCE_PRODUCT=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker> \
-e DEEPFENCE_LICENSE=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker license key> \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ \
-image-name node:latest

docker rmi node:latest

Rules can also be cached to use next run by mounting a seperate path and passing rules-path argument

docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-yarahunter \
-e DEEPFENCE_PRODUCT=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker> \
-e DEEPFENCE_LICENSE=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker license key> \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /tmp/rules:/tmp/rules \ \
--image-name node:8.11 \
--rules-path=/tmp/rules \
--output json > node.json

Process the results with jq

You can summarise the results by processing the JSON output, e.g. using jq:

docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner \
-e DEEPFENCE_PRODUCT=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker> \
-e DEEPFENCE_LICENSE=<ThreatMapper or ThreatStryker license key> \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ \
--image-name node:latest \
--output json > /tmp/node-secret-scan.json

cat /tmp/node-secret-scan.json | jq '.Secrets[] | { rule: ."Matched Rule Name", file: ."Full File Name" }'