In Kubernetes, the ThreatMapper sensors are deployed as a daemonset in the Kubernetes cluster, using a helm chart.
The deepfence-console
helm chart by default runs agent and cluster-agent pods. The deepfence-agent
helm chart need not be installed in the cluster where console helm chart is deployed.
Quick Installation of ThreatMapper Sensors
Install and start the latest release of the deepfence sensor. Replace x.x.x.x
with the IP address of the Management Console and 73f6f3d0-9931-4b31-8967-fd6adf475f80
with the API key.
Identify container runtime
If container runtime is unknown, please follow these instructions.
is the name / identifier of the cluster. It should be different for different kubernetes clusters. Example: prod-cluster-1, test-cluster.
Image tag quay.io/deepfenceio/deepfence_agent_ce:2.5.3-multiarch
is supported in amd64 and arm64/v8 architectures.
Deploy deepfence-agent helm chart
helm repo add deepfence https://deepfence-helm-charts.s3.amazonaws.com/threatmapper
helm repo update
# helm show readme deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.5.3 | less
# helm show values deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.5.3 | less
helm install deepfence-agent deepfence/deepfence-agent \
--set managementConsoleUrl=x.x.x.x \
--set deepfenceKey=73f6f3d0-9931-4b31-8967-fd6adf475f80 \
--set global.imageTag=2.5.3 \
--set clusterName="prod-cluster" \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.containerdSock=true \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.dockerSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.crioSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.podmanSock=false \
--set mountContainerRuntimeSocket.containerdSockPath="/run/containerd/containerd.sock" \
--set logLevel="info" \
--namespace deepfence \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.5.3
Fine-tune the Helm deployment
helm repo add deepfence https://deepfence-helm-charts.s3.amazonaws.com/threatmapper
helm repo update
helm show values deepfence/deepfence-agent --version 2.5.3 > deepfence_agent_values.yaml
# You will need to update the following values:
# managementConsoleUrl and deepfenceKey - specify your URL/IP and API key value
# You may wish to update other values, including:
# image:name and image:clusterAgentImageName - change to point to custom images
# containerdSock - set to false if agent fails to start on some Kubernetes platforms e.g. Minikube
vim deepfence_agent_values.yaml
helm install -f deepfence_agent_values.yaml deepfence-agent deepfence/deepfence-agent \
--namespace deepfence \
--create-namespace \
--version 2.5.3
Delete the ThreatMapper Sensor
helm delete deepfence-agent -n deepfence
Identify container runtime
- To get container runtime in the k8s cluster, run the following command
kubectl get nodes -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,Runtime:.status.nodeInfo.containerRuntimeVersion
- To get container runtime socket path in the k8s cluster, run the following commands and search for
kubectl apply -f https://deepfence-public.s3.amazonaws.com/kubernetes/deepfence-cluster-config-job.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=30s job/deepfence-cluster-config
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pod -l job-name=deepfence-cluster-config -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl delete -f https://deepfence-public.s3.amazonaws.com/kubernetes/deepfence-cluster-config-job.yaml