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Version: v1.5 (deprecated)

Kubernetes Installation

You can install the Management Console on a single Docker host or in a dedicated Kubernetes cluster.

Install the ThreatMapper Management Console

The following instructions explain how to install the ThreatMapper console on a Kubernetes Cluster, and configure external access to the Console. For detailed instructions for custom installs, see Console and Router notes.

  1. Install OpenEBS storage (other storage methods are supported):

    kubectl create ns openebs
    helm install openebs --namespace openebs --repo "" openebs --set analytics.enabled=false

    ... and wait (-w) for the openebs pods to start up:

    kubectl get pods -o wide --namespace openebs -w
  2. Install the metrics server (if necessary)

    If the metrics server is not already installed (kubectl get deployment metrics-server -n kube-system), install as follows:

    kubectl apply -f
  3. Install the ThreatMapper Console

    helm repo add deepfence

    helm install deepfence-console deepfence/deepfence-console --version 1.5.2

    ... and wait for the pods to start up:

    kubectl get pods -o wide -w

    For advanced installation, you can edit the helm chart values as described in the Helm Chart - detailed setup.

  4. Enable external access with the deepfence-router helm chart:

    Deploy deepfence-router:

    helm install deepfence-router deepfence/deepfence-router --version 1.5.0

    ... and wait for the cloud platform to deploy an external load-balancer:

    kubectl get --namespace default svc -w deepfence-router

    For advanced installation, you can edit the helm chart values as described in the Helm Chart - detailed setup.

Now proceed to the Initial Configuration.

Remove the ThreatMapper Management Console

To remove the ThreatMapper Management Console

helm delete deepfence-router
helm delete deepfence-console