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Version: v1.5 (deprecated)

Impact of CVE-2021-4428

As part of our periodic scan of our own images, we detected CVE-2021-44228 Log4j2 vulnerability in deepfenceio/deepfence_elastic_ce:latest image in package /usr/share/elasticsearch/lib/log4j-core-2.11.1.jar.

Am I affected?

  1. If ThreatMapper console is installed as per the instructions and the deployment scripts provided, you are not affected. It assumes that security groups are set to receive traffic from agents/browser on port 443 and all other ports are locked down.
  2. However, we have set the appropriate flag (-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true) as recommended by elasticsearch.
  3. Please use the latest version of the code and update the container image deepfenceio/deepfence_elastic_ce:latest

CVE-2021-44228 Exploitability and Attack Path Details

Deepfence ThreatMapper can scan your images and hosts for this vulnerability.

CVE 2021 44228 Detail

In addition, ThreatMapper can visually show the attack path for those containers and hosts which have an application that uses the vulnerable log4j library and are receiving external network traffic.

CVE 2021 44228 Attack Path